Thursday, December 16, 2010

Looking Back on 2010

 The following prompt beckons the assembling of a quick list of sorts with highlights of flashbacks!
December 15 - 5 minutes. Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.  (Author:  Patti Digh):

1.  Filling out the FAFSA on January 1st so that Justin can get college funding.
2.  Organizing the college campus visits during spring break.  Visiting the colleges.
3.  Preparing for the inevitable departure of my first born to college.
4.  Nicolas securing a talent agent with a two-year exclusive contract.
5.  Taking Justin to college and visiting him during parents weekend.
6.  Endless stays at Best Western.
7.  Nicolas' first excellent report card (all A's except one B).
8.  Nicolas' first paid job in acting as an extra in a national Toyota/Nascar commercial.
9.  My husband, David, turning 50 years old.
10. My mother turning 70 years old.
11. Starting my exercise regime by walking in my neighborhood.
12. Realizing my list revolves around my family primarily.
13. Making a commitment to writing my blog, Buzz Buckingham.

Yes, as a mom, my highlights revolve around the proud moments I have of my children.  And while I came in last on the list it is still a good note to end on!


  1. I'm going to try doing this - writing everything I can in 5 minutes about 2010. Of course, I'll have to wait until tonight when the girls are in bed and I'm all alone with my thoughts.

  2. After I thought about this list last night I was pissed that I forgot to put down our great experience at the Eric Clapton/Roger Daltry concert. It was my kids first concert and my mom and I had a great time too!
